Sip Bellows
/ Sip Bellows
Age: 15-16 Species: Mutant Race: American Powers: Arachnid Physiology




The 7th born of the Bellow siblings/brothers. Vulgar with language, careless, and immature for his age. Like his brothers, he's extremely pervertive towards women, is a troublemaker to society, and irritating to behold. Nevertheless, he's got a heart of gold and a sense of unconditional brotherly love for each of his siblings and unconditional love for his other family members, heavily with the case of Harold Jaeger, his cousin. He's also known to function like a scorpion and being a bro. Scorpion Physiological Applications: Poison Secretion: Can secrete poison using his hidden Scorpion Tail. Scorpion Tail: Has a hidden body part that resembles a scorpion's tail, armor and all. Poison Projection: Can project toxins from his Hidden Scorpion Tail. Hyper Leap: Can leap great distances. Wall Climbing: Can crawl like an arachnid onto walls and ceilings. Hallucinating Poison: Toxins that causes the person to hallucinate upon injection. Swelling Poison: Toxins that causes the person's body to swell into enormous size. He once did this to his brother Pokey, which caused Pokey's Steatokinetic Powers to emerge stronger, causing Pokey to become a giant kaiju-sized obese humanoid. Never again has Sip ever used this ability. Burning Poison: Toxins that causes the person to burn painfully. This can happen both outside physical contact and upon injection.


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