Haruka Daruma
/ Haruka Daruma




Haruka Daruma is an ultimate student at Hope's Peak High and is the Ultimate Maid. She is known to be innocent-like, cheery, childish, and twisted. Though she may look cute, she secretly has a nasty reputation for killing off anyone who dares try to out-stage her. Daughter of Etsuko Daruma, a former hitman/mafia boss and one of the 9 fathers, Haruka could get away with almost anything. That was, until she was murdered by Endo Endomakito, the Ultimate Crafter, and was found dead with her neck tied up with a rope Endo made. Etsuko was ready to take the life of Endo until Cat threatened him that he'll be shown no mercy should he take the life of one of his students. Of course, Etsuko wasn't having any of this, but Cat also reminded him that an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth isn't going to bring back his daughter nor would it give satisfaction. He even pointed out that it would be unfair if Haruka got the same treatment as she did with the rest of her victims, who were not given justice. This made Etsuko open his eyes, realizing that he was the reason why her daughter had died: because she was going to take the life of an innocent student who was trying to do art. Though a mafia boss, Etsuko was forced to permanently swallow his pride and wept loudly for the loss of his daughter and the guilt he now has to face. Now knowing that he's putting his own family into jeopardy, he disbands his mafia gang and now plays as a hitman until he also quits for the sake of his third child. Haruka was menial in her schemes, and her respect from her gang members and the fact that she can get what she wants, is what eventually costed her her own life. Ultimate: Maid




たいがー しました
Angel E しました
eye of Udjat しました
Donkey しました
Midas Lockhart しました
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