Pop Bellows
/ Poplawski "Pop" Bellows
Age: 15-16 Species: Mutant Race: American Powers: Superior Intelligence




The 6th born of the Bellow siblings. Highly intelligent yet extremely dimwitted, a pervert, gassy, and stubborn. Bullied and picked on for being a nerd and viewed as a dimwitted trouble maker along with his brothers, Pop can be somewhat of a "Superior Overlord" due to his powers revolving around Superior Intelligence. He also has a rocky relationship with his family. Especially his mother, who is constantly yelled by him to not disturb him of whatever he claims important, which she knows is not really important at all and Pop's just trying to find an excuse. However, he begins to suffer multiple headaches due to the memories, and becoming more fatigued and vulnerable to having a burning fever and a painful, growling stomach. After his powers get the better of him, he was forced to drop out of his current school and being cared for in bed. Though he's slightly recovering, it's saddening for him to lay in bed with nothing to do but sleep. Fortunately, his bond with his brothers quickly grew, becoming more closer to his siblings when in time of need. His Superior Intelligence quickly developed into Astral Projection, giving him navigational abilities that allow him to look into the current. He became a reliable asset to the sibling's. Astral Projection: Can leave the body (mind) and travel through areas around earth and in different realms. Fever Weakness: Currently has a burning fever resulting in Pop to drop out of school and stay at home due to his Superior Intelligence. Superior Intelligence: Has a vast amount of knowledge.


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