Zebrina Roders
/ Codename: Zebrinia




Zebrinia is a Rebel strategist. She is known to be sweet and kind to others and her teammates. A loving, giving girl, she also knows when to take her job serious. She was the only one who understood Sijread and comforted him as he was being interrogated harshly by the captain and was threatened to have his droid taken apart if he did not spill it despite not having leads about the Death Star. However, when she was called to interrogate him, she gave him some chocolates to calm his nerves and, feeling more calm after an episode of him electrocuting the captain after the threat, told her that the Stormtroopers were actually once his friends known as the Clone Troopers, and how Order 66 changed it all and became the destruction of the Republic, and how the trauma caused him to have both Jedi and Sith abilities. She felt sorrow and even shed tears, all for a man she didn't know but understood as to what he has to go through. She told the crew about him and the captain felt extremely horrible about what he's done. Zebrinia played a major role for the Rebellion and to Sijread's journey, encouraging him along the way and fighting along side him.


Jason Russo しました
Donkey しました
Angel Dracko しました
Me しました
Lemon BG しました
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