Pat Bullevard
/ Pat Boulevard
Title: The Dissociative Identity Sha Age: 20 Species: Human Race: American Persona: Set Element: Eiha/Tera Weapon: Dual Grappling Spears (Kunai)




A foster child of the Beauregarde Family Household who is diagnosed with DID (Dissociative Identity Disorder). In his true state, he is vicious and deranged, full of bloodlust and insanity. However, he only desires to be understood, thus the reason why he kills. Due to lack of social activity, Pat becomes highly unstable and screams danger to the public and the fact that he can summon his Persona without the use of his masquerade mask. He also shows no signs of being intimidated or feeling insulted, since he also loves to rub salt onto others wounds. However, he becomes very childlike when it comes to his family and will become extremely protective towards anyone who he sees is a threat that can either hurt them physically, mentally, or emotionally. He has a very sensitive spot for animals, showing that he's an animal lover. Pat can easily get bored and can easily lose interest when it doesn't hit him that much, especially towards others situations or problematic problems at hand. A perfect example of this is when he's in about to enter a fight, only to lose interest to the upcoming fight when a person takes too long with their talking, questioning, and comments towards him, strengthening their resolve, their speech of their bonding being stronger, etc, since he sees it as cheesy. So despite his repulsive insanity, he's got one huge comical sense of mind in him, being randomly unpredictable and marching to the beat of his own drum.


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