Ethan Hyde
/ Name: Ethan Hyde
Powers: Fat/Muscle Expansion Limitations: Hunger/Sadness Empowerment - Will resort to his monstrous form if he ever feels sadness or gets hungry for too long though his sadness slowly morphs him to that state if he can't contain it any longer, with signs such as double chin expanding, a bloating fat belly, muscle increasing, rear expansion, or loud stomach growling




Ethan Hyde is an American football college jock who's famous for his countless victories and zero defeats. He is known to be wrathful, cocky, intimidating, greedy, and nosey. He believes that he can do whatever he wants, and due to his physic and population, he can get away with almost everything. He'll even make some people disappear without a trace. Turns out, he's actually a jock who preys on people and even swallowing them and digesting them within 5 minutes. When that happens, they become one with his physical body, making him immovable. He had this condition ever since he was a baby, responsible for the death of his mother when he swallowed her as a toddler, simply because he was hungry. Since then, his cravings got out of control. Eventually, his condition that he cherished and loved soon backfired, as he begun to feel uneasy and sick. He also began to feel more hungry and desperate but couldn't get the urge to eat anyone, even normal food. During a football game, as his team was one point away to winning while Ethan himself had to sit down for the entire game, his condition soon got the better of him and began to mutate into a uncontrollable humanoid monster, reeking havoc and causing everyone in the college's colosseum to panic and flee for their lives. His body also began to expand in and out repeatedly. Eta, Tau, Chi (Kai), Dajieon, Nathan, Wakoshi, and Bikko were the only ones capable of detaining him and reverting back to his original form, though Ethan began to feel very squishy. Ethan was set free thanks to the Doom Patrols students, but was kicked off the team and deemed as a power hungry brute in the press. Ethan was now forced to live in an apartment, humiliated and guilty as he realized just how much his pride costed innocent lives. Ethan eventually began having a change of personality: sensitive, shy, famished, anxious, positive, and lonely, though he feels happier when he feels accepted knowing that he's having a change of heart. He also tends to become unstable at times, changing weight from built to fat instantly no matter how much food he eats, which is a huge problem since he has to constantly have a big wardrobe of clothes since the fat spreads around his entire body and expanding rapidly, giving him a wardrobe malfunction. He also became good friends with the students who helped him calm down after the incident and becoming one of their supporters.
Waqar Hameed
Can we get .vroid file of this avatar ... So amazing avatar :)


Jason Russo しました
Aetherix しました
TheskyleoEno しました
Sci しました
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