Pessir Talisman
/ Pessir Talisman




Pessir Talisman is an ultimate student at Hope's Peak High and is the Ultimate Planner. She is moody, hot-headed, stubborn, perspective, and arrogant. She is quick to blame others and would use harsh words that can bring a person down. Very pessimistic, she shows no remorse for her actions, believing that the world is nothing more than negativity and condemnation. This act of belief proved fatal for another ultimate student, when he trashed talked her about her past, growing up with a family who constantly abuses her including her own siblings for no apparent reason. Pessir immediately snapped and killed him, dumped his body inside the nearest dumpster, disposed any evidence leading to her, and acted like nothing has ever happened. It was thanks to the school limitations, that Chi Makita, the main protagonist, managed to pin the murder on Pessir, and the votes proved Chi's argument. Pessir admitted that she'll just get executed and states that everyone hates her because she hates the world so it doesn't matter. But Chi whole-heartedly told her that even the most wicked of people can still be forgiven, which not only made Pessir pause in disbelief, but also made her wept in sorrow and relief, finally hearing the words she longed to hear. Pessir's sentence was reduced from execution to punishment for consequences, and was chained up by a diagraph chart where she was forced to endure pain from the sharp giant pin needles placed by Cat's children, and spent three weeks within this posture and was sent back to Hope's Peak High as a normal student. Currently, she is known for being blunt, strict, moody, snappy, bossy, and kind-hearted. Ultimate: Planner


Donkey しました
BlackFlame しました
Not Gay しました
lolslolslols しました
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