Plu Rokata
/ Plu Rokata
Powers: Bubble Breath




Plu Rokata is the son of Lazio and Rosa Rokata and a special student at Hope's Peak High, diagnosed with SBTS (Severe Baby Toddler Syndrome). He is known to be whiney, demanding, bossy, impatient, and hyper. Whereas Plu's cousin Zayin Rokata cannot move due to lack of nutrients no matter how much he gets, Plu can at least move his head, arms, and fingers a bit. Plu is very pushy about his wants and needs, constantly wanting all the attention from everyone and would cry and scream to the top of his lungs whenever he doesn't get his way. He's also very impatient, crying and screaming even flailing his arms and head and clutching fists expressing his anger. Plu is a rather stubborn one, not wanting to hear anyone's reasonings and demands that he gets what he wants now. The Neko-Kittens, seeing how extremely hissy and lacking manners, decides to take their own approach of his situation: Giving him nutrients via through a feeding tube and traveling it down through Plu's belly button. Plu usually eats from his mouth, so to have something traveling stomach and the fact that that is his meal from now on causes him to have a meltdown, all because he isn't getting what he wants. Plu is also constantly pushed around by Nekosan Makita, who would even physically slap him in the face should he throw a tantrum. Plu was even placed inside a closet room where he would sleep and rarely receive attention from others. Plu remained there for a month and was so angry that his demands and reasons spiral out of control and then one day, as he was screaming in agony of having his standards not meet up, that he suddenly felt a snap in his brain, causing him to stop completely and fall silent. This made Plu mentally broken, now malfunctioning his movement for the rest of his life and even cutting off his loud vocal cords to a soft tone. When Plu was taken out and rejoins the other special needs students, Plu didn't make one sound and instead just malfunctioned. His moods are also more patient, sweet, gentle, and extremely sensitive. The Neko-Kittens finally made Plu calmed down but still feel sorry for him since they took away what identifies him. Nekoaki, the leader, implies that this is for the sake of everyone's headaches and heartbreaks as well as anxiety. Currently, Plu is being cared properly again and doesn't mind the feeding tube. He also stopped throwing tantrums for selfish demands or wanting more attention for himself. Though Plu does cry from time to time, it's most likely due to being scared, but will feel happy and calmly silent because he's enjoying time with others.


Joii しました
Tsuki しました
gridlov しました
Jacob Fuentes しました
Hugh Jass しました
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