Jin Akihiko
/ Jin Akihiko
Age: 25 Species: Human Race: Japanese Persona: Lugh Element: Megido Weapon: Slingshot




A college student at Hope's Peak College and the 8th companion of the Light Bearers. A highly talented man with a passion for sculpting and crafting. Personality wise, he is shown to be vulgar, arrogant, and stubborn, often putting himself on the negative spectrum towards society. Despite this, he has a heart of gold and compassion, willing to stand up to the weak who can't fight back against people who has a positive outcome towards the public, regardless of how he gets' slandered by others. One peculiar person is College Headmaster Talia Peninsula, who was viewed as a strict yet caring grandmother but in reality a malevolent and sickening woman who crushes others for the gain of the worst outcome. And Jin is one of those victims. Even worse for Jin, he was backstabbed the 2nd time by Ichiryusi Madarame. Upon the murder of Talia's death by the hands of a cognitive version of her son Tony, in which the cognition depicts of a humongous, blob of fat Tony that functions like an infant, and swallowing Talia whole, killing her upon digestion in the Night Realm. In the reality, upon discovering her bones and hair on her bed the next day, everyone suspected Jin, who had constant beef with her knowing that she's up to no good and pesters her for it. He was arrested and sent to Inaba Police Station for questioning. He was then dragged into the Night Realm 3 days later and facing a cognitive version of Madarame. Fortunately, the Light Bearers defeated the Cognitive Madarame and Jin has awakened to his Persona. There, he shows a more laid-back and comical side of his, often joking around and being an uncle for the group. Thus, he decided to join with them. Jin was soon cleared up of suspicion after the evidence proved to be false thanks to the Light Bearers. While he can be clumsy, vulgar, and hot-headed, when it comes to sculpting, he shows concentration and focus, showing just how perfect his art skills are and how he was used by the now dead headmaster for his arts to be claimed and falsely copyrighted, which the credit now belongs to the true maker of Jin's masterpieces. Not to mention that Jin finally has the respect he well-deserves and the apologies, as well as finally having a group where he belongs.


felishino しました
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Daniel Zdański しました
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