Jeremy Songs
/ Jeremy Songs
Age: 13 Species: Human Race: American Persona: Cu Chulainn Element: Agi Weapon: Spear




A freshman at Hope's Peak High assigned to the Hope's Peak Student Building and the 5th companion of Yuru Saitachi. A timid and cowardly boy with a weakening physique and gloomy nature. He is constantly bullied and constantly cold due to the suppressants he's been taking, which holds his Persona from going berserk, but slowly killing him as well. Thus, he is highly antisocial and feels like he's a burden to everyone. He's also very clumsy and unfortunate, since misfortune basically follows him everywhere and is constantly bullied. After being saved by Yuru's party and awakening his Persona, their was hope for him that he'll overcome his weakening state. He's also very clingy and attaching, wanting to be by someone's side and will go to cuddling methods to try and become warm, since taking the suppressants makes his body not only weak, but cold as well. Jeremy is very childlike and quirky, and doesn't eat a lot, either, but is still being noticed by his teammates. Tony Florence, one of the companions, expands any parts of his body by channeling his ability to manipulate his own fat cells, to keep him warm and comforted. He basically treats Jeremy as if he's is his own son. Jeremy is currently being recognized now by others thanks to his companions being there for him. Surprisingly, Jeremy looks up to an Indie Wrestler name Rob James, seeing how he takes the insults of others to shame with his current fat growing body and rear as well as keeping his chin up despite the insults and slander he receives from others.


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