Niell Tolland
/ Niell Tolland
Age: 24 Species: Giant/Mutant Race: Canadian Powers: Inhuman Strength, Bodily Gas Manipulation Persona Link: Garu Sub-Initial Persona: Ϸrymir




A school drop-out that withdrawn out of Hope's Peak High and giant. Highly boastful and cocky yet heavily hypocritical and slobby, marking himself as a lazy man without saying he's a lazy man. He'll even try to steal credit from others and take the attention for himself. Even when confronted, he still believes that it was his doing. In other words, he's both questionable and book dumb to the point it's horrid. When trying to help out the protagonist Hiruso Makita, he was eventually called out and exposed immediately and received a huge hit to the heart after Hiruso called him out for being an attention seeker because he can't do things on his own. Niell, both heartbroken and angered, showed his malevolent side and declared that he will have his freedom. Upon his defeat by the ASO Team, Niell reveals his methods of his actions. He was trying to prove to his master that he is capable of doing things on his own, and was trying to butter him up in order to gain his freedom. Because he lacks any means of human interaction after the Umbrella Corporation was shut down, finally having his freedom, he still hasn't prove his worth to his now deceased master, who was killed by the falling debris of the crumbling laboratory after saving Niell, who was still young, and was the only scientist who cared for Niell his entire life. Entering a state of panic in current time, Hiruso struck a deal with Niell: becoming their weapons supplier in exchange to stay with Hiruso and Randi's apartment. Niell now resides with them, finally feeling comfortable knowing where he belongs.




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