Castor Hughes
/ Castor Hughes
Abilities: Crafting, Medic




Castor Hughes is a librarian and companion of the main protagonists Yapaat Marichate and Tira Makita. He is known to be intelligent, kind-hearted, a bit naive, and timid. Castor was first introduced by Yapaat, Jordan, and Iroko after finding him hiding near the receptionist desk. Relieved to see some survivors, he explained everything as to what has transpired, how he quit being an employee of Umbrella in order to protect his family, and working with the police to provide evidence for S.T.A.R.S.'s claims of Umbrella secretly making bio-terrorist weapons behind the governor and publics backs and failed due to the outbreak. He is also responsible for helping Spike removing the parasitic embryo implanted by a revived G and causing Spike to blimp up in pain due to his impenetrable body fat, preventing it from bursting out of his body but growing him into a blob sized human. Castor was also the one to help put the embryo to sleep using a sleeping drug, grounding and mixing different kinds of herbs and then forming it into grounded medicine as well as inserting it through Spike's mouth, and helping him push his stomach when the medicine kicked in and Spike felt like he's entering labor. Although Castor isn't skilled at combat, his expertise on medicine and crafting skills makes him a perfect companion for the group and managing to walk through the sunset with all 15 survivors in total. Currently, he is working as a librarian at Hope's Peak High.


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