Raid Erithir
/ Codename: Raid




Raid is a Sith of the Separatists. While he was one the Dark Side, he's actually soft and very sensitive. He is ranked as one of the most powerful Sith and was forced to take lives despite his protests. Ahsoka confronted and fought him, but proved to be outmatched. Just when she was about to make her move, Raid, who wields a red double-bladed lightsaber with a spinning handle, reverted the blades back till it was just the handle alone and tossed his lightsaber to Ahsoka and calmly surrendered, as he doesn't want to shed anymore blood than he already did. Ahsoka and the Clones were skeptical, but they cuffed him and imprisoned him. Grandmaster Yoda immediately took notice of his emotions and had him released. Raid was then given a place to stay as well as joining the Jedi. Wielding both the Light and Dark side of the Force, he served as a Jedi Knight and General. Even when Order 66 was executed, he stayed with Coral and traveled to his current timeline and given him an apartment that was recently constructed at the Pink Palace Complex; a second attic inside the roof. While he boasts a sinister voice and tone, his actions about who he is say otherwise for this misunderstood Jedi.


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