/ Laszlo
Units: Jotunn, Rakshasa, Asura, Night Marcher




Laszlo is a junior at Hope's Peak High and Gatekeeper. He is known to be very harsh, rude, disrespectful, and a troublemaker. A big bully, Laszlo made use of his authority and selfish control over anyone he deems weak and below him. When he became a Gatekeeper, things escalates even worse, obtaining gatekeys and his secondary units Jotunn, Rakshasa, Asura, and Troll. Three encounters Victoria has made when Laszlo is seen bullying others for more power. The first is when Laszlo began using his units to wreak havoc among the other students, who he deems them as weak nerds, and gets cocky when Victoria faces him, only to be defeated by her. Enraged that he was beaten, he disposes his gatekeys for making him look bad and obtained 3 new gatekeys. The new units are Oni, Kage, and Shinigami. Victoria's second encounter is when she witnesses Laszlo terrorizing the other students trying to protect a freshman name Robby, who is having an allergic swelling reaction after his tongue made contact with a chunk of peanut butter that Laszlo shoved inside. Laszlo became cocky once again with Victoria and her companions and engaged into battle. Laszlo lost his cocky demeanor and throwing a rage fit after losing once again. He then disposes his new gatekeys as well and takes his leave, angrily. The last encounter is when Laszlo decided to use his own strength and powers to fight Victoria and friends. Despite inflicting immense damage, he was easily defeated again. Laszlo was ready to enter an even angrier fit when he suddenly got stung by a bee. This causes him great distress as his entire began to painfully swell up and inflate, cheeks puffing up and one eyelid puffing up as well. Victoria rushed Laszlo into her infirmary and began having treatment for his insides by injecting Soporil B into his veins, causing his inside throat to simmer down and shrink, thus allowing him to breath again normally even while he's still blimped up like a pufferfish. Laszlo was also given his original gatekeys back, which Laszlo began to shed tears as each one became worried about him. Since then, Laszlo became humbled, friendly, boorish, considerate, compassionate, and a little antisocial.


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