Tsutsuo Hatashi
/ Tsutsuo Hatashi
Age: 17 Species: Human Race: Japanese/Cantonese Powers: Enhanced Steatogenesis (Rapid Fat Increase/Deflation)




Tsutsuo Hatashi is a junior at Hope's Peak High and the roommate of Trace Gillean. He is known to be gassy, a food craver, lazy, boorish, laid-back, and goofy. Tsutsuo became Trace's second roommate after the first one was murdered by Scissorman. Tsutsuo literally has no care for his grades, future, and is downright messy. There are even times when he suddenly bursts out fat from his body and having a bit of a wardrobe malfunction from time to time due to the bubblegum he tried out in Wonka's factory and having to get pink juice removed from his growing ginormous body while Tsutsuo lazily had no care as to what's happening, since he knows he's okay and is just growing into a fat ball. One night, however, Tsutsuo was left all alone while Trace was in prison as the culprit behind the murders. When he heard a knock at his door, Tsutsuo said open, but the door didn't open. The knocking continued until Tsutsuo finally reached his patience and irritatingly got up from the bed and looked through the door's peeking hole. There he saw one of his buddies, standing still and eyes opened, no blinking. Tsutsuo rolled his eyes thinking it's just a prank and opened the door carelessly, only to see his friend drop dead on the floor and witnessing his already decapitated head rolling and stopping at his foot. Tsutsuo, now terrified, shocked, and stunned, looked at his friends body for a second before closing his mouth with his hand while the other holding his bloating stomach. Few seconds of holding in transmitted into throwing up painfully as burp sounds can be heard and crying tearfully of shear agony and despair. Once he began to breath heavily in relief, he suddenly got ambushed by Scissorman from behind. Fortunately, Tsutsuo manages to dodge and was forced to survive until daybreak, using hiding spaces, materials, tools, and his Steatogenetic disorder to keep himself alive. Two days later, Trace was released from prison and became a suspect but was allowed to go to his dorm room again. Tsutsuo was seen by Trace cleaning up the place after the event and the two talked about encountering and surviving Scissorman. Eventually, Tsutsuo became more tidy when it comes to cleaning up now after the event that took the life of his friend and began to feel a little more active and enjoying it. Though his eating habits became a binge eating disorder due to the trauma. Nevertheless, he does his best to move on and even got along with Trace, becoming a big brother figure for him and growing a bond with each other that can never be broken.




Kokushipou しました
Akash Sharma しました
mía しました
Grumpybear しました
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