Triston Bates
/ Triston Bates




Triston Bates is an ex-cop and former father-in-law of Robby Piston. He is known to be excessively violent, aggressive, hot-headed, destructive, demanding, intimidating, alcoholic, extremely gassy, constantly hungry, abusive, ill-tempered, and illogical. Triston poses a threat, danger, and menace to society when he was a boy, and grew worse as time went on. This was due to his condition that makes his lips bigger and bigger, and often gets picked on because of it. Then again, he always resorts to violence should he get angered, irritated, threatened, or intimidated. He became a cop when he got older, but as usual resorts to violence first before reasoning, causing him to lose his license as a cop. To make matters worse, he's a terrible father and husband, often beating his own kids constantly for the smallest stuff, beats his wife out of suspicion that she might have cheated on her despite not dating anyone ever since, and even engaged abusive sex on his wife before they got married just because she wanted nothing to do with him, knowing he'll pose a threat towards their family in the near future. Her body eventually couldn't handle the constant pain anymore, and she died at the age of 26. Triston was 33 at the time. After her death, Triston's twisted, unreasonable, and violent behavior grew ten times worse. He even abused his daughter's ex-husband Robby, due to his overprotective actions and abusive ways, causing him to divorce her and leave his kid behind. But it was never the end of the nightmare, as Triston became even more angry and not seeing that he's the reason behind the divorce, and constantly visits Robby's comic shop to trash the store if there is no child support. His daughter soon went missing, and his grandkid is staying with his father, and Triston got enraged and was ready to beat the crap outta Robby, when he accidently knocked down a family photobook and got curious. When he looked through it, his heart, expecting some photos, sank and shattered, as there are barely any photos of Triston and his family, including his biological family, beginning to reflect on why and soon discovers that he's the reason for all of this, putting both of his families through hell because he can't control his outbursts, moods, and temper. Triston broke down into tears, now fully realizing that he himself is just another scum of the earth for his actions. His heart broke even more, when he discovers his daughter becoming Cliodhna, one of Chi's foes. Triston just groveled into depression, giving up on life and wasting himself away as he drinks. Fortunately, Chi managed to get the family back together again: Grandfather, Son-in-Law, and Grandkid. Triston manages to have a change of heart and get himself some help as well as some medication. Triston, now knowing between right and wrong as well as knowing when to properly react to situations, is becoming more and more of a father figure and becoming more wiser than ever. He even has a new personality: Kind-hearted, playful, goofy, comedic, silly, determined, strong, wise, loving, and considerate. Forging a bond with Chi that could never be broken, he became one of his supportive allies.


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