Silver Theodore
/ Silver Theodore (Dog)
Title: Boorish No-Good Guitarist Age: 20 Species: Human Race: British/Australian Powers: Super Hearing/Echolocation Persona: Wepwawet Element: Eiha Weapon: Guitar




Silver's mask that allows him to summon his Persona, Wepwawet. The Dog Mask symbolizes attention seeking and loneliness, wanting to be recognized. Silver strives and yearns for attention, yet doesn't do the job at all and doesn't work hard for it, constantly being lazy and only dreams of it. Nothing more, nothing less. Opponents: 1st Round: Tucker Beauregarde (Raven) 2nd Round: Doju Ramuijin (Beetle) 3rd Round: Tsukiyoma Mikado (Monkey) 4th Round: Puma 5th Round: Shadow Silver 6th Round: Codelio 7th Round: Chris Redfield 8th Round: Shadow Codelio 9th Round: Codelio (Hacker) In the 1st Round, Silver thought that his expectations about Tucker being an a-hole is true at first glance, but upon victory, Silver Theodore repeatedly punches Tucker in the face, taunting him angrily as if he's making himself clear. However, after defeating Doju in the 2nd Round, Doju reveals to Silver that the Captain is causing their cognition to become distorted, immediately bringing Silver to a realization and shedding tears, crying to himself out of guilt. At the same time, Doju's body malfunctions again and expands the rear as well as gaining fat in his body too, with the rear almost filling up the entire gymnasium that's off limits for guests, causing Silver to abrupt in a fit of laughter. Silver also manages to find out the true culprits identity: his foster grandfather, who is using a "Shadow" Silver as his current form while his real body is elsewhere. Because of this, Silver rips off his mask as an act of defiance and determination to set things right and fight for his family and friends. Before the end of the grand prix and defeating the Hacker, another of his foster grandfather's doing,, taking place right after Codelio accepted his Shadow with Silver, Tucker, and Shazi, Silver, calm and composed, asks Tucker if he can explain why he's not fond of being the next heir to the family household, in which Tucker explains that he hates bringing everyone down due to his clumsiness and how pathetic he is, explaining as he's slowly but surely on the verge of crying. Tucker hugs him and apologizes for his actions, while Tucker broke down, crying. After the event, Silver matures and begins to practice playing the guitar, and has mastered his talent within just a short few days. So good in fact, that his talent for playing other instruments revolving music broadens to the point that he has gained the ability of Super Hearing and Echolocation. He became a literal big bro figure and has caught the attention of many hearts. Still laid-back, bro-like, and gluttonous, but is loveable, compassionate, wise, and forgiving. He also becomes more childish and energetic, but still a bit of an airhead.


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