Sijread Volterbate
/ Codename: Sijread




Sijread is one of the main protagonists and hero of his journey. He was once a Jedi Youngling that didn't get to be trained nor received a lightsaber, for the Jedi Council fears that he has a higher chance of entering the Dark Side of the Force. However, he did demonstrate as to how excellent he is of a skilled hacker. When Order 66 was established, he escaped via an air vent to hide from Anakin Skywalker and had to witness the death of not only the Jedi but also the Jedi Younglings. He managed to flee with his life, fleeing from Tython. Unfortunately, the trauma of witnessing the deaths of the Jedi and Republic, the Clone Troopers betrayal due to the microchip implanted in their brains, and the rise of the Galactic Empire, caused him to suffer mentally to the point that he can now wield the Dark Side of the Force at sheer will without the use of anger and hatred, making him both Jedi and Sith. Since then, he befriended an astromech droid and a Jawa named Unghray at Tatooine at the age of 16, and the three lived with each other since. He was taken as captive by the Rebellion years later but joined sides after admitting to them the trauma that left him scarred for life and the depression and anxiety he had to face his entire life. He played a big role in the Rebellion as Sijread, Unghray, and his astromech droid R7-D14, and his new companions journey through the galaxy to take out Emperor Palpatine. When Palpatine was defeated by Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker), and the galaxy saved, he went to Coral's timeline via transporter pod as well as his two best friends to live there in peace, and Sijread learning a force stronger than the Force itself, one that doesn't betray him... the force/power of God, the Lord Yahweh.


Angel Dracko しました
lolslolslols しました
Jack Flaherty しました
booger しました
Dr ishigami しました
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