/ Codename: Ergin




Ergin is a morbidly obese ex-girlfriend of Krillaxe. She is greedy, glutton, controlling, manipulating, and self-centered. Vetalini of course knew right from the start that she's bad news, but her father Krillaxe was too desperate for a wife and wanted to be with a woman that he'll love. Ergin doesn't share that love, as she only profited his money for useless things and torturing his kids by not giving them food that she cooked as she intended, rather serving people not living in Krillaxe's apartment room (a small shed that is built like a small house). This proved to be her undoing as Vetalini plotted the entire setup knowing that Ergin would do something like this. She doesn't want the kids to go near the food either as she will scream at them, saying that it's not for them despite the kids being hungry while the dad is trying his best to love for his "girlfriend" despite his heart breaking, seeing the chaos ensuing. Vetalini called the cops secretly (Ryutaro Dojiima, a detective) and Ergin was arrested on the spot. As she was being taken into the police car, she screamed at Krillaxe that she wanted all his well-earned money and demanding that he give it to her. Krillaxe then learned the hard way that she didn't love him back despite the already red flags she's gotten ever since their first meet with each other. Adephagia, Greek Goddess of Gluttony, used this form to take on the appearance of a more nicer, loving, caring, smiling, and motherly Ergin, with the exception of her eyes as they are button eyes. She was mostly called the Other Mother. Three times Vetalini visited the world and she was offered a pair of buttons just so she could stay in the other world forever. Adephagia thought that she just won another meal, but Vetalini immediately began to see the truth when she saw the buttons and refused. Panicked, she tries to convince her while trying to keep her composure and making sure that a Wise hen was kept out of this world (usually to no avail), but eventually, when she scolded Vetalini to apologize for denying her as her mother, Vetalini said no in a slow yet blunt tone while sitting down, arrogantly making it clear that she wants to go back to her real dad. Not being able to convince her to stay, she counted to three slowly as she transforms slowly into half of what she truly is.
Impressive work for using VRoid alone! I normally throw the model into blender using CATS plug-in, add a few blendshapes, blend the basis with a fat blendshape, throw it into Unity, use the plug-in for Unity that converts models to VRoid’s format, then upload. It’s a lot more work, but can achieve results stock VRoid can’t do.


El chamollin しました
Carol Tavares しました
Donkey しました
TroyArts しました
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