Boris Dillards
/ Boris Dillards
Age: 15 Species: Boar Race: American Caligula Effect Weaponry: Giantsword




Boris Dillards is a sophomore at Hope's Peak High and one of Kay's companions. He is known to be gluttonous, gassy, energetic, outgoing, neat, comical, loving, and childish. Boris may eat like any other pig, but he's got a heart of gold and a dream of becoming a game developer. However, he hates his immobile father, who just eats, and eats, and eats nonstop, and blowing their money over fast foods delivery. His father thought that Boris is happy, but in reality Boris is only saying that to not hurt his father's feelings. This sparks thoughts of suicide as his dreams are becoming farther away from him and decided to just take his own life. Fortunately, Boris' fate video was broadcast and the police stopped him from jumping off. Boris, unable to control himself, enters a meltdown of emotions. Kay and Kim then brought Boris to his father, who heard the commotion, and embraced his mentally drained son and apologizes for being a terrible father as he breaks down with emotions. Boris then became Kay's companion and has since felt relieved. His father is now at the Hope's Peak Healthcare and is given healthier foods instead of constant junk food. Boris is always cracking up jokes and doing random things for no apparent reason. Boris has both a big appetite and a big heart.




Lulu's LuckyDay しました
BJ しました
Sasuke しました
Elizabeth Ryna しました
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