Labreon Mollie
/ Labreon Mollie
Age: 20 Species: Human Race: American/Caucasian




Labreon Mollie is a detective agent working for National Security. She is known to be cheerful, airheaded, blunt, comical, side-tracked, highly intelligent, and sharp-witted. Before becoming a companion to Thraeliod Makita, the main protagonist, Labreon was trying to solve the case of Thraeliod and made sure to grab every piece of evidence and clues as to find both links and motives. Labreon, who heartfully loves finding clues and evidence and solving murder cases, has been high among the ranks of any detective thanks to her commitment and never leaving a case unsolved or left cold. She also brought up perfect thesis's and making excellent logical proof and exposing the real motives that matched perfectly with her statements. So it would come to a shock when she implies that the killer's rampant murders have no motive at all, and that there's a bigger reason behind it. Just as she says it, a clue eventually popped up in her head: The culprit is confused as to what is happening. Just when she was about to dive deeper into the matter, Thraeliod makes his dramatic entrance and then being surrounded by police, S.W.A.T. teams, and even the military. Labreon, noticing Thraeliod's superstitious-like and awkward behavior as well as being goofy and comical-like, sees a perfect match to her thesis and reveals that Thraeliod is responsible for carrying out the murders. When they began shouting orders at Thraeliod in order to arrest him, Labreon, while still being airheaded, stopped them and retells them of her thesis about the culprit being confused about what's happening and that she said that Thraeliod was carrying out the murders, implying that he may have been manipulated by some sort. She even advised them to be more calmer in the matter, as Thraeliod, still being cheerfully goofy but also showing anxiety and fear, has a more obedient personality and is feeling anxious because of the constant demanding and shouting. Since Labreon was known for her kindness and consideration, she basically stood up for Thraeliod. The police, S.W.A.T. Teams, and the military eventually listened and reluctantly but carefully put their weapons away. Calming themselves, they carefully but gently brought Thraeliod to the interrogation room. Labreon, seeing that Thraeliod isn't a bad guy, asks the chief of police if he could accompany her as her bodyguard and partner. The chief, still reluctant, agrees, since he always trusted her intelligence. Thraeliod, Labreon, and a thug would eventually become companions to one another and solve, fight, and advance through hardships with one another.




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