Lazio Rokata
/ Codename: Lazio
Powers: Fire, Heatwave




Lazio is the oldest brother of Deven Rokata and the father of two kids. He was once married to a Chinese woman name Chi Ying, who was a sorceress undenounced to Lazio, but got divorced by her after giving birth to his son and daughter, which she didn't want a son but kept him anyways. Lazio desired to see his kids but couldn't due to a restraining order Chi used against him. Lazio is usually the outlandish type, playful, gassy, wise, loving, considerate, caring, and known to be drunk when at the bar. He never stopped loving his kids and prayed to God that he can see them. He's also known to be full of excitement and adventure. His son, Lightlon, came into the bar one day to see his father and being granted to the bar by the security guard who almost kicked him out until he saw a bit of a resemblance to the father and son. Despite his dad being drunk, he still kept a bit of his composure, something he's good at when influenced, and told him a lot about how his mother just abandoned the husband because he "wouldn't" be a father to them despite his determination to abandon drinking for the sake of his kids and being a father to them. Lightlon thanked him and left. Lazio was happy to finally see his own kid, but then something hit him in his mind from the conversation they had and realized that his son has figured out what Chi Ying's nature and motive was evil. He rushed out to alert Zenkichi Hasegawa and Ryutaro Dojiima what Chi was planning and that she has something to do with the her kids murders as to being the true culprit. Lazio and a group of squadrons, including the Shadow Operatives, Investigation Team, and Phantom Thieves, to stop Chi from succeeding a sacrifice offering to her sisters. Lazio was about to intervene, but Lightlon managed to beat her himself by outwitting her to a lava grave. Lazio was glad to see both kids safe and gave them a big bear hug as he sheds in tears of both joy and relief. The next day, Lazio was given full custody to both of his kids and has remarried to a new wife as well. This time it was an old friend of his who was once one of Umbrella's test subjects, and both had many kids together. Lazio never thinks about himself constantly and is always willing to lend a hand to everyone and anyone.


Max Zimmer しました
Angel Dracko しました
lolslolslols しました
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