Junpei Jr. Otokonoji
/ Junpei Jr. Otokonoji
Age: 17-18 Species: Mutant Race: Japanese Powers: Animal Communication




One of the 4 sole survivors of the Bean Basket case and the true main protagonist. Cheerful, happy-go-lucky, kind-hearted, loving, and a huge animal lover, Junpei was first seen as the culprit behind the 2 missing hikers, a "plane cargo" that killed O.S., and, truthfully, the 10 missing horses. This was due to the fact that Junpei is the only sole survivor in the Gordo case, giving him a reason for suspicion. However, it is soon revealed that Junpei struggled with depression and suffering from a narcissistic father, while his family are blessed with love, care, and gifts from their father while Junpei himself is left in the dark to die. Thus, Junpei struggles with social activity and sometimes stutters or stays silent, not knowing whether he should stand up for himself or not, bottling all emotions within him until it bursts out after witnessing the blood raining down on the Horsewood House, which is the mixture of the audience, crew members, and the most traumatic for him, his family and his father. Despite this, he shows deep love and consideration for others and is not afraid to place his own life at risk despite only being a teenager turning 18 soon. Nevertheless, he survives to tell the tale and was placed off the suspicion list and being honoured for his heroic deeds, while his father's grave is slandered and disrespected for the damage the narcissist caused on families for self-family gains. Powers: Animal Communication: As an animal lover and anti socialist, Junpei can understand and communicate with all sorts of animals and giving them commands whenever they're (the animals) needed for something.


G Gaming しました
Dian しました
Joii しました
Emma Styles しました
xuruosi しました
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