Amagi Yasogami
/ Amagi Yasogami (Vulture)
Title: Mystery Chef X Age: 16 Species: Human Race: Japanese Persona: Nephthys Element: Mudo Weapon: Double Bladed Fans




Amagi's mask that allows her to summon her Persona, Nephthys. The Vulture Mask symbolizes the coming of death, but in personality wise for vultures in general, they are known to be harmless and are scavengers. So long as your not injured or dead, they'll leave you alone. Amagi's airheaded personality and terrible cooking skills (which she's overconfident about mixing other "ingredients") are a perfect example, as well as her tendency to burst out in a fit of laughter for the most stupidest things. Opponents: 1st Round: Silver Theodore (Dog) 2nd Round: Corinth Hartsville (Falcon) 3rd Round: Puma 4th Round: Tsukiyoma Mikado (Monkey) 5th Round: Shadow Amagi 6th Round: Shadow Codelio 7th Round: Codelio (Hacker) Amagi thought at first, her cooking skills were so good (despite not being true) and are only attacking her to make more of her Mystery Food X, she quickly notices that the behavior she sees has changed back to their normal self again, and her suspicions were confirmed in the 2nd Round and 4th Round, when their :love" for food quickly dissolves into harsh and bitter comments about not just her cooking, but her confidence as well. Even if knowing the deceit, it still hurts her. Even the boxed lunches she made (which came out nice and okay after some time of practice) had gone bad because of being mixed together and giving off a terrible (yet not so terrible for the very least) scent. Yet she still kept it with her this whole time because she thought about not just the taste, but also about how it should turn out, not thinking out of the ordinary, and putting a lot of emotion to it thanks to her foster father's encouragement and so that she would give it to everyone at the dinner table, family and guests. That's a huge reason why her emotions went rampant and how she snapped at the real Puma and not the fake Puma, all because Puma is too childish and playful and not careful as to what he says, being too blunt both for his emotions, thoughts, and expressions. Thus, it gave her "Shadow" the upper advantage to mockery and almost making her deny herself until she hears the voices of her foster family, with the help of Shazi Tabet, who's Persona is Scheherazade, acting as a comm, manages to rip off her mask as an act of defiance to the tournament rules, and reawakens her Persona. After the P-2 Grand Prix, Amagi does her best to improve her cooking skills and housework to support her family, as well as finding better ways to resolve a solution when being hit on.


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