Khaille Makita
/ Codename: Khaille
Powers: Electromagnetic Laser Beam, Sky Blue Pyrotechnic Energy Blasts




Khaille is a former Jedi and Sith that no longer works on both sides. His son, training at the Jedi Academy, is a 12 year old boy working with the Republic. Khaille is known to be brutal and vicious as well as merciless when in combat. However, he does have an extremely soft side, often avoiding conflict at first and always considerate and fair. He is the Republics most wanted because of the dangers he can stir up. When his son realizes who he is, he secretly snuck out of Tython to face his father. When his son was the victor after a powerful blast, Khaille's body is revealed to be both meat and mechanical, being pierced through a sharp broken pipe connected to the outside building wall. Just as the Jedi Council was about to arrest him, Khaille's son stood up for his father by being at his side and hugging him tightly, hinting that he stone for his crimes a way that the son suits. Khaille was repaired and reunited with his son at Tython and the two lived together as father and son on Earth, with Khaille and his son living with his younger brother Xavier Makita, Codename: Mute.


JustGo しました
Jason Russo しました
Antony Maisey しました
pacdragon しました
Gh2da しました
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