Eggplano Rokata
/ Codename: Eggplant
Powers: Inhuman Strength Weaknesses: Naive Disabilities: Severe Autism




A severely autistic child of Fangtooth, Eggplant is known to be very sensitive, kind, and loves children. Unfortunately, kids usually run away from him. He usually walks and his walking is like a slow zombie t-rex with dungeon balls attached to his ankles. Eggplant has a weak bladder. Meaning he will make accidents on himself. Eggplant has an AAC to communicate with. However he mostly uses it to walk up to his fellow students and ask them if they want to be his friend. Eggplant only understands through words. Any lingo or other complicated words will confuse him and he'll ask why to try and understand. He also can't comprehend feelings as he struggles to understand emotions. He only knows Happy, Sad, Mad, and Scared. Eggplant is usually happy and will try to fit in the crowd. If he sees somebody do something, he'll try to copy as he sees it ok. Eggplant likes kid friendly songs and TV shows as well as cartoons. He also likes to see everyone smile and have fun. He even likes kid friendly clothing. He believes he fits into a world thanks to the AAC and his special needs people. Unfortunately, things turn south when Jurakan, a prophet of God, tested the severely autistic kids that have less function (which are Umbrellas test subjects) reasoning by putting them to a computer and opening up a test to see how much they know about feelings and how smart they are by giving them simple math problems. Eggplant asked for help, but Jurakan told him that a test is to see how much you know with no help at all. Eggplant just stared at the monitor as he is not used to this. Jurakan said that if they get all the right answers by using their brains, they get a dum dum lollipop. Eggplant kept asking for help using the AAC, but Jurakan said the same thing. When Eggplant was done, he smiled, laughed, and did slow-motion claps as he believes he did it. Jurakan saw the results and just smacked Eggplant in the face hard both calmly and yeetingly. Eggplant then felt something heavy in his heart, as if his entire happiness shattered. Jurakan calmly told him that because he relies on people for his logic is what made him very bad at the test. Eggplant may look human like ad he believes, but further events made him exposed to the truth about the world. Trying to get kid friendly songs in his head in order to believe that all is happy didn't work either, and within that he felt pressure in his body. As something is dying to be released. He felt his stomach rumble and his buttocks gurgling. From arms, to legs, hands, everything. It turns out that Eggplant has another form... his true form. And the image of Eggplant his special needs carers usually sees was nothing more than a fake.


Shelby Brito しました
YU しました
HurricaneJura しました
katsumeki しました
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