Mage Units
/ Tsukuyomi
Mages are magic users that are capable of close and far ranges but are vulnerable to attacks due to lack of defense. Keeping them from a safe distance while targeting their enemies are a good source of defense when engaging in close combat. Tanks are also included to protect/shield them so that mages won't be harmed. Mages are more on the offensive side, meaning they focus more on damage.




Tsukuyomi is the Japanese God of the Moon. He is known to be soft spoken, formal, weird, lonely, and interactive. Tsukuyomi sits alone at night in the full moon reading a book, having nothing better to do. He is the son of Izanagi and Izanami, two Shinto deities who shaped the Japanese islands. Not many stories related to Tsukuyomi are written. In fact, not once has Tsukuyomi been mentioned in any Japanese Mythos. Except for one, that is. Tsukuyomi was to be present as Amaterasu's guest-of-honor for Uke-Mochi, the Japanese Goddess of Food and one who occupied the moon. Tsukuyomi witnesses Uke-Mochi pull out a bunch of delicious cooked food in different areas of her body, such as nostrils, mouth, and other orifices. Disgusted and horrified, he cuts off Uke-Mochi's head, killing his hostess. Realizing what he has done, he felt guilt and shame flowing through his body and, in act of atonement and apology, cut open Uke-Mochi's body parts and scattered her body, which was filled with food, all over Japan. When word reached out to Amaterasu, she became furious with Tsukuyomi and banished him from Takamaghara and separating the sun and moon from each other, so that she would never see Tsukuyomi's face again. Thus, Tsukuyomi claimed the moon his home and becoming the God of the Moon (he was the God of Night). Tsukuyomi would later find himself as a Primary Unit for Ruigi Lensley, and even helping the Victorian Club build up their stats when wanting to further level up. Gatekeeper: Ruigi Lensley




Max Zimmer しました
Nodnarb しました
Rand Hightower しました
encalbossa しました
Andrex321 しました
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