Etsuko Daruma
/ Etsuko Daruma




Etsuko Daruma is a former mafia boss/hitman and one of the 9 fathers of Koi Fuyushi. He was known to be twisted, arrogant, stubborn, impatient, and self-centered. Unless it was business, this guy will want nothing to do with you. He demands respect, and will enter a provoked mode should he spot anyone who doesn't do the same for both him, his gang members, or his family, killing anyone without any remorse or guilt, not even mercy. However, his emotions got the better of him when his daughter Haruka Daruma, was murdered and demanded that someone will step in to die or everyone else in the building will die. Cat of course intervened and told him about the class trial, which Etsuko reluctantly obliged. When the votes against Endo Endomakito, the Ultimate Crafter, confirmed that he was the murderer of both ultimate students, Etsuko pulled out his gun and was about to fire, until Cat intervened again and reminding him that selfish acts will prove to have consequences. Etsuko, opening his eyes to the truth, realizes that his own position as a mob boss caused his own daughter to suffer from her consequences, and Etsuko fell to his knees of both guilt and despair. He disbands his mafia gang and became a hitman. This time, however, he would soon find himself at the stand in a class trial of Paternity Court and discover that the condom given to him from Satsukata Fuyushi had a hole cut out and his seed fused with Nuke Makita's. Devastated and distraught, he decides to stop running from his problems and become the father for the baby, who's body is that of a mixed hybrid. Now, Etsuko is a changed man with a new personality: Funny, twisted, comical, kind-hearted, and considerate.


G Gaming しました
Angel E しました
Emma Styles しました
Midas Lockhart しました
zloyoleg しました
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