The Neko-Kittens
/ Nekogohan Makita
The Neko-Kittens are the sons and daughters of Cat Makita and Kattee Sundrayi. They are known to be extremely bubbly, hyperactive, energetic, silly, a bit reckless, goofy, and comical. These are the caretakers of the special needs students and as replacement for the original caretakers, who caused harm towards them both physically and mentally and thus fueled Cat's anger. Despite their goofiness, they love the special needs a lot and create wonderful yet sometimes havoc-like activities to give to them. The Neko-Kittens are 3 years old and function like literal 8 year old's.




Nekogohan Makita is part of the sibling group known as the Neko-Kittens and plays the role as Chef. He is known to be cheerful, sweet, kind-hearted, forgiving, playful, and loving. As his name suggests, Nekogohan loves rice and cooks delicious meals for the special needs students as well as feeding and providing nutrients and sending it down a feeding tube connected to the belly button of those who do not have teeth. Nekogohan's cheerful and selfless attitude makes him a loveable one to behold, and will always bring out healthy snacks that he cooks while also giving it flavor that would make you crave more. Nekogohan can also be comical-like, as the only solution he can think of is rice.


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