Lodriell Mitchell
/ Lodriell Mitchell




Lodriell Mitchell is a college student at Hope's Peak High and survivor of the Outbreak back in Raccoon Forest inside the mansion. He is known to be arrogant, impatient, aggressive, violent, a bully, hot-headed, selfish, and bossy. Lodriell always has a temper problem ever since he was a little boy, and continued to get worse as he grew older and becoming more violent to the point that he's thirsty for blood whenever he gets threatened or doesn't get what he wants. Even his friends began to cut off from him and students began to transfer to a different class or worse, a different school. Some students even attempted to commit suicide, as evidence when one of the students attempted to take their life right in front of Lodriell by shooting himself in the head, only to survive the almost fatal blow. This not only made Lodriell expelled from the school, it also traumatized him, scarring him for life as he witnessed a student trying to kill himself because of Lodriell. Transferred into Hope's Peak High and removed from the family and even being given photos as to when they were a family or his own self portrait photos taken when he was a baby, Lodriell fell into a state of loneliness and depression. Because of his reputation, loads of students avoid him and even hated him, talking behind his back and making jokes. However, Lodriell never came to his classes nor even showing up at school, not wanting to endure more of the pain. He also developed Hoplophobia, the fear of guns/firearms, and his trauma is solely connected to it. He'll run into a state of panic should he even see any types of guns. His trip with 17 of his peers only made matters worse, and Lodriell's anxiety of firearms began to worsen more. Because of this, Kureido Makita, one of the 2 main protagonists, gave him a melee weapon instead: a metallic hammer confined of bolts, gears, and other mechanical parts. Throughout the survival, Lodriell shows a more kind-hearted, sweet, loving, and caring side of his, no longer vulgar after the incident. He even opens up a lot about his past and how he has changed since then. After surviving with all 15 and leaving a traitor behind (who survives), Lodriell is currently back to his normal state and living in the boys dorm. He even visited the boy who attempted suicide at the hospital and comforting him when he needed someone the most. Lodriell also began taking classes in his dorm room and even became the Ultimate Drummer, since he has an extreme talent of his that never died out when he was young. Ultimate: Drummer


Daniel Zdański しました
Antony Maisey しました
Gino Jackson しました
Lazar Zikic しました
Gh2da しました
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