Takoko Minazuki
/ Takoko Minazuki
Age: 16 Species: Human Race: Japanese Shadow Form: Jezebel




A junior at Hope's Peak High assigned to the Shujin Student Building and the first target of the Ultimate Agents. She is very sweet and timid who adores flowers and supporters. On the outside. Deep within her heart, she only plays as Kamoshida's victims, when in reality it was her who gave him the finishing push towards corruption. In fact, she is, in truth, the most manipulative and fatal girl of any school. Many who had fully encountered her know who she really is. But they cannot say anything because of her popularity and her façade she plays as a false mask. And pretending to be Kamoshida's victims only strengthen her innocence. She's narcissistic to the point that not even a change of heart is possible, shutting off any possibility. No one rose up against her, and nobody was able to bring the truth to light, thus causing them more suffering and pain as she takes delight. When the Ultimate Agents assassinated her Parasitic Shadow, rumors began to fly to the point that the truth from the public eventually brought into the press. Including the account where she watched and did not call for help while Bernie Fox, Suki's childhood friend, was having a seizure that one time, and how she fraud her innocence of victimizing herself as one of Kamoshida's victims. Her parents were even shocked and furious of her actions, and has taken her off their will and sent her to a juvenile correction. Because of the truth bombarding her, everyone quickly began to see the changes of the "sweet and loving" girl to what she really is: a narcissistic, evil, and manipulative girl acting like she's the top hierarchy. Not one supporter stood up for her again, and she was eventually sentenced as an adult for attempted murder of leaving a peer to die while he's having a seizure, including being charged with blackmail against her former peers. She was sentenced to 15 years in prison with no possibility of parole.


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