Keesha Jonas
/ Keesha Jonas




Keesha Jonas is one of the popular girls at Hope's Peak High. She is known to be a brat, spoiled, sassy, prideful, rude, narcissistic, and disrespectful. Keesha is also extremely bossy, threatening and making sure that no one gets the spotlight but her. She also loves to bring everyone down, especially her brother Jonah Jonas, a judged boy known to be constantly picked on a lot wherever he goes and has a hard time getting friends due to his poor life social choices and skills. Keesha basically feels like she can own the world, until two of her popular friends were killed on scene. First was Exela Quillsburg, who was crushed to death by one of the buildings supports that got knocked down by Marissa Scholders, A.K.A. Scylla, then a few days later during prom when Ora Lensley, first called on stage for her catwalk only to be greeted with boos from the audience, then snapping at them replying that everyone was there to and that Marissa is a waste of existence, and finally taken away by Marissa herself mid-sentenced and crushed to death, leaving behind her so-called prom queen crown that she took from the announcer, who happens to be Jonah himself. Keesha and Leda, another popular girl, were the only two left. Few days later, when it was time for another of Marissa's Project Presentation (unaware that it is highly dangerous), Leda tried to convince Keesha that they should just apologize to her, but Keesha wasn't having any of it, despite the connections being already obvious from the very beginning. Keesha acted all cool, strutting her stuff while telling Leda that Marissa can burn in hell, when Leda decides to end their fake friendship and turned to walk away, then running silly as if running away from something. Keesha, not having a care in the world, turned to walk to her next class while holding the audacity, only for one of Scylla's tentacles to immediately grab her and revealing herself from the ceiling's shadows, then crushing the screaming Keesha instantly, killing her for everyone to see, then throwing her body at the concrete wall. Once Keesha was dead, Scylla started her rampage while also finding Leda Davidson, the last one. Keesha's death could have been avoided with a different fate, and yet it was her carelessness for others and lack of regard for other peoples feelings, that ended up costing her her own life.




Donkey しました
aa aa しました
RinaBeGaming しました
アツコ☆DYNAMIX しました
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