Ex-Bullies are, as the name suggests, former bullies who turned from their bullying lives and becoming friends to society.




Fred is a Gatekeeper Ally and member of the Victorian Club. He is known to be childish, bro-like, brotherly, goofy, energetic, and quirky. Fred, along with Robby and the other 5 members of their friend group, are basically seen as literal brothers due to their activities. Showering together, butt bumping each other, body pressing, joking, sleeping in the same dorm room, flatulence, Pyroflatulence, etc. So it's not a surprise when Robby changed his ways of being a bully along with the other 6. Fred included in one of those 6 friends. Fred can be quite a creep sometimes, but his heart is in the right place that's full of gold. Also worth noting, the 7 members of their brother group have a tendency to eat a lot so much, that their bellies, like Robby's, bulge out and spilling from their upper clothing and bursting their belts and their buttoning pants and zipper. A bit of a wardrobe malfunction. Though Fred gets it much, much, worse. Even after joining the Victorian Club, they still hadn't given up their bonds with each other. Just their bullying personalities. They also grew bonds with the other members other than each other. Units: Bakeneko, Kitsune, Baku


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