Vestiel Suru
/ Vestiel Suru (Squadron)
Age: 18 Species: Human Race: American Gadgets/Weapons: Chain Whip (Extension Cord), Handgun, Machine Gun, Grappling Gun




Vestiel, after graduating from Hope's Peak High, now serves as a national security agent and a sole member of the Squadrons. Sent on a mission by their head chief, the Squadrons made their way inside a cavern that's almost set up like that of a base, only difference is the whole place trashed. Vestiel and her squad bumped into the main protagonist Tau Makita, who came looking for his infant son while also discovering the truth about their chief's sinister and greedy motives. Vestiel proves to be a highly skillful girl and with her cheerful attitude bringing up her squads moods from negative to positive, all except for Thea of course. Further into the journey, as they set foot inside the laboratory of Umbrella HQ, Thea pulled the trigger at Vestiel's direction and shot in the chest, collapsing on the hard ground. After Thea revealed herself as a spy among the group and an assassin with just one action alone (Tau theorized that a traitor is among each other), Vestiel jumps right back up again as if nothing had happened. Turns out, Vestiel's small revealing jacket also works as not just fashion, but as a bullet proof vest and only shot in the chest. After finding Tau's son and defeating Thea, who initiated a self-destruct sequence, all except for Thea escaped from the lab and only saving the son and not the sample, which was crushed by the debris in the end alongside Thea. The squad and Tau, finally outside the desert, sees a chopper coming their way. Inside the chopper to fly Tau and his baby back home, the pilot informed the squad that an ambush against the chief is no longer needed, since the chief installed cameras inside the caverns, biomes, and lab and have full proof for his arrest and his sentencing. Relieved that it's all over, the squad and Tau rests. Vestiel lay down on the seats of the chopper and sleeping, fatigued of the entire situation and glad that it's over.




Justice Myers しました
Donkey しました
Unknown User しました
Charlie Clark しました
رامي عماد しました
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