G'linda Heights-Videlsky
/ G'linda Heights-Videlsky
Age: 46-47 Species: Gorilla Race: American Powers: Ape Physiology (defective Subs) Skills: Scientist/Motherhood (formerly)




A deranged woman, scientist, and mother of Garzon, Blista, and Gelsi. An obsessive woman that is high heels over the CHI Virus, she will do anything to protect it even if it costs her her own life. Yet despite this, she is very sharp-minded when it comes to figuring something out, and is a vital character of giving out information and background. She loves her family, but has put her work first before them apart from her husband Brantor Videlsky. She dies in two ways. In Story A, she is hit by collapsing debris and shoots Winda in order to keep her away from the CHI Virus. She will be confronted by Gelsi and apologizes for not being a better mother, then dies. In Story B, she was mortally wounded by Camazotz and gave Eris and friends the instructions and the 2nd CHI Virus to cure both Gelsi and Brantor. She requests Eris to tell Gelsi that she's sorry for being a terrible mother and has always loved her, then dies. Before being married to Brantor, she was first married to Grumslo Heights, who had died in the car accident in Europe while G'linda survived, mentally breaking her a bit and becoming clingy. Her constant blows she receives and bad luck is what makes her comedic as well despite being serious, showing that she has a high chance of not being able to protect herself. G'linda places her trust in both Brantor and Eris and friends.


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