Dakao Karayo
/ Dakao Karayo (Maxus)
Age: 14 Species: Human Race: Canadian/Japanese Powers: Twin-Empowerment Self-Chronokinesis Social Link: Fool Sub-Initial Persona: Polydeuces




A member of Future Foundation and protagonist. Like Jirai, he is known for his clown-like personality, mockery towards Beta, and only striving for glory and fame. The difference between the brothers was that Dakao is quick to blame on someone and not accept his mistakes as of means to protect his pride, while his brother Jirai accepts his own flaws and shows that he cares for the team. This is the reason why the brothers parted from each other after Beta left the group out of sadness and grief of himself not being a part of the group. Jirai left to search for Beta, despite not awakening his powers, while Dakao goes on the mission with them to prove that he doesn't need anyone to help him. Both brothers began to feel heartbroken for one another and, after Beta and Lucy reunited with them, finally awakened to their powers as twins. Jirai and Dakao are now a sync pair with a few separate personalities, with Dakao being gluttonous and laid-back. Powers: Twin-Empowerment Self-Chronokinesis: Only when Jirai and Dakao hold hands together do they activate their Self-Chronokinetic abilities, allowing them to manipulate time within themselves such as fast forwarding and rewinding. They can also activate an electrokinetic bond link that enables them to use their powers without physical contact for a small period of time.


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