Nelvin Bart
/ Nelvin Bart
Age: 18 Species: Human Race: American Persona: Raijin




Nelvin Bart is a senior at Hope's Peak High. He is known to be nerdy, geeky, a try-hard, sloppy, slobbish, gassy, and awkward. Nelvin is constantly bullied at his school and was made fun of because of his image: skinny neck, bulging adam's apple, bloodshot eyes, fat and pudgy, and for having a big butt. His father was also a drunk man and very abusive towards his wife and kids. The last straw was when he confessed his love to Yukiko Amagi, who rejected him on the spot and told him that he's not her type, pointing out bits and pieces that relates to not only his image, but his personality as well. After taking her leave, Nelvin could only stand in utter pain and heartbroken to hear it. Thus, Nelvin's heart manifested his Persona: Raijin. He then tried to take his vengeance out on everyone, now despising the world. The Investigation Team encounters Nelvin in his chamber located on the top of the Raijin Tower. The team made their statements on how petty he is and that he doesn't know when to take a hint. But Nelvin, now furious, bluntly stated that he can and has taken the hint, and that the reason why he's like this is because of his imagery, much to everyone's surprise. Nelvin, now in a fit of rage, then went on about how he was only born to die early, being slandered for who he is, and the fact that everyone makes fun of his looks and personality and had yet to realize that his own body was the result of a bit of a genetic disorder. He called out his Persona and fought. The Investigation Team manage to defeat him, which everyone became cocky and expresses that what he's done is even more unforgivable. All except Yukiko, however, as she walked towards him and bent down to apologize for what she just said to him. She stated that she never knew that deep down he was suffering and that he confessed the right way as well as knowing to take the rejection. She then added that she should have never said those things about him. Nelvin, who was on the verge of a meltdown of emotions, could only break down. Nelvin, now mentally exhausted, was carried back to the academy and taken to the infirmary, while the Raijin tower collapses. Currently, Nelvin is doing better again and both Nelvin and Yukiko have forged a bond with each other that can never be broken. Nelvin works part time for Yukiko so that she wouldn't do all the work alone. Nelvin is also a great chef to the point that his meals are greatly deluxe. Nelvin also knows how to keep things tidy and clean. Nelvin can be a playable party member of Joseph's team


Nyello しました
Grumpybear しました
Unknown User しました
Antony Maisey しました
Lazar Zikic しました
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