Coldrale Makita
/ Codename: Coldrale
Powers: Flawless Parkour, Excellent Timing Weaknesses: God (Yahweh, after trying to run away from God but was caught by police and locked up, realizing that he can never truly run away from God)




Coldrale is the son of Xavier Makita and is both a prophet and Jedi now Sith. He is known to steal food from both stores and restaurants since he no longer has the needs to obey the Jedi Code. Coldrale is a charming, selfish, rude, stubborn, prideful, greedy kleptomaniac. When God told him to deliver a message to the Phantom Thieves that if they put their trust in God and have a strong relationship with him, they will become stronger together and more wiser so that way they can make better choices in their lives. Of course when God said that he wanted Coldrale to do something for him, Coldrale went on about how he'll never abandon the one true God (which he was lying of course so that way he'll make his escape). But when God told him the mission, Coldrale immediately got cold scared and ran off. When parkoured freely on a building under construction (half complete), God caused an earthquake but did not break the ground but rather shaking it, causing the constructing building to collapse progressively. Coldrale fell and got buried under the debris but survived. But the police arrested him after the earthquake ceased and he was in jail until court. Finally, Coldrale agreed to do God's biding. God then sent Sae Niijima, a defense lawyer, to take his case. Sae won the case, and Coldrale was released the next day. He then went to Shibuya and entered LeBlanc to meet the Phantom Thieves. There he gave them the message. Coldrale thought that they aren't accepting it because they believe in the strength of will and not to some God that all of a sudden wanted them to trust in him. Coldrale's smirk shifted into complete disbelief when the Phantom Thieves whole-heartedly agreed as they see a God that doesn't see his people small and makes his wonders through sinful and unclean humans and a hope of humanity (Morgana). Coldrale tried to run away again, but Jurakan stopped him and told him that he is an incarnate of Jurakan, the Hurricane Prophet of Justice and Destruction. He also told Coldrale that he has no choice but to accept the path he takes. Coldrale's start as a prophet was not a great one, but overtime he became more mindful of others and became a loving, considering, and honest person and prophet, giving up his sinful ways of Pride and Greed. Now, he is a thief that fights for both justice and righteousness with God guiding him and using his talents. Persona: Jonah


Angel Dracko しました
nyto しました
lolslolslols しました
blueeyedcharmer しました
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