Disu Rokata
/ Dys Rokata
Age: 14-15 Species: Mutant Race: American/Puerto Rican/Croatian Powers: Cancelation




Last offspring of Deven Rokata and special needs student at Hope's Peak High. A troubled child who has Severe Autism and suffers from a brain dysfunction that causes him to move his legs but can't stand nor walk, only crawling on his hands and knees. Dys' gets cold very easily like a newborn child, thus having to wear a sweater. He also has bladder problems regardless of what number and is nonverbal, with "Weh-Weh" being his only signature words. His most notable trait was his personality and behavior. He was extremely fussy and demanding, as well as craving for attention from others due to being in solitary from a cold sleep. He also has a hard time understanding and is unaware of his surroundings, becoming destructive due to seeking attention and being very picky. However, that all changed when he was properly disciplined and cared for by his father Deven, who had let go of his anger against his children and desire for spilling their blood in order to be a better parent than his ex/deceased wife Vase. Dys would then become more laxed, but his lack of taming his emotions makes him more anxious and easily scared. Dys would be kidnapped and stalked by Scorpius Skorchum within Raccoon Manor, the same place where Deven was experimented on, and being rescued and protected by Tomar Brock, Rebecca Chambers, and Lapook Clawblister. Tomar and Dys would eventually forge the toughest and strongest of bonds due to Tomar being calm, patient, and spending time with Dys as they try to survive and giving Dys more comfort and courage to survive. After surviving and escaping the manor, Dys returned to his family more happier than ever and has a desire to have Tomar be there for him. Tomar sees Dys as Trak, who sadly passed away due to an abusive karen mom, and has the desire to be there for him wherever, whenever.


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