Joseph Pillsburg
/ Joseph Pillsburg
Age: 18 Species: Human Race: Caucasian/American Persona: Heru-pa-khered




Joseph Pillsburg is a senior at Hope's Peak High and main protagonist. He is known to be mysterious, antisocial, non-talkative, silent, personal, and unphased. Joseph hardly ever says anything and has no intention of engaging social activities. He also shows no sympathy for others neither does he take pleasure in violence. He's basically just a guy that doesn't talk never opens up. He is also unphased by literally anything. Danger doesn't phase him, fun doesn't phase him, insults doesn't phase him, nothing. Just a face that's plain and blank. In other words, Joseph is unpredictable and difficult to read. Not even cute stuff can make him express any emotion. Examples are mentally and physically ill children that are in need of special needs, babies, comedy, jokes, sexual pleasure & romance, etc. Calm, composed, and unphased is what he is. And if he happens to cross by someone or being bugged by someone that is stepping their boundaries, he just ignores them and passes along. Put simply, he's the mind-my-own-business guy. When atrocities began to appear one after another in the city where the school and dorms are at, Joseph and his newfound companions/friends fight along their way to end the DEVA System and save their world from being wiped out from a tortured classmate soul of theirs.


Emma Styles しました
dream sans しました
Grumpybear しました
Тимофей Ярута しました
UnKnown しました
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