Alexia Browser
/ Alexia Browser
Age: 22 Species: Human Race: American Persona: Scathath Element: Phys Weapon: Taijutsu




A college student at Hope's Peak College and the 7th companion of the Light Bearers. Very athletic and acrobatic as well as being high spirited and energetic. Unfortunately, she's very book dumb, but despite this she's very determined, which allows her to pass her grades due to never backing down despite being way out of her league. She can also be very gluttonous, eating a lot of food but never putting on weight. Being a tomboyish girl, she mostly likes to play both boy and girl, especially acting like one, but she's got a heart of gold. She is also very forgiving regardless of the amount of damage she's been given. A laid-back girl with the determination and boldness, she holds nothing back when it comes to standing up for others, showing that she has a sense of right and wrong. She's also very patient and compassionate, and never judges a person for who they are or what crime they have done to others. Alexia was dragged into the Night Realm and was attacked by the cognitive version of her dad name Tyler Browser, an abusive man who abused his wife constantly. Saved by Yuru's party and awakening her Persona, Alexia automatically joined the group and gave the party a group name: Light Bearers, a group who fights with shining lights in their hearts as they are unphased by the dangers because they believe in the power of the God of Israel.


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