Yumaru Maki

Yumaru Maki

Secret UV
D 16042020: Yumaru is a high school girl who lived in a version of Tokyo which people can carry up to 8 special genes. This gene allows the carrier to perceive supernatural beings. Most people have 1-2 of them, and some people have all 8 of them making them to be espers. Yumaru has a idling and oblivious personality who like to make jokes with her friends. One day, she was possessed by some unknown being, leading her to defy the warning of the inhabitants of a haunted campus to leave before evening. As a result, she encountered some Invisible Beings and they end up wiping some of her memories including the shopping list given by her mother, and also memories of 3 encounters of supernatural beings, causing her to become very blank and not very responsive to the puzzlement of her friends



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