Date of Birth: June 12th 生年月日: 6月12日 Age 年齢:17歳 Favourite Food: Walnut Mushroom Bolognese Stuffed Tomatoes 好きな食べ物: クルミマッシュルームボロネーゼトマトの詰め物 Personality: Quirky, talkative, clumsy, temperamental - friendly and easy-going or a sensitive crybaby. 性格: 風変わりな、おしゃべりな、不器用な、気まぐれな; 人懐っこいと気楽な人や敏感な泣き虫になることがあります。 Hobbies/Interests: Culinary arts, Vegan food, growing vegetables, philosophy 趣味/興味: 料理芸術、ビーガン食品、野菜の栽培、哲学 Likes: Nature, talking to people, animals and ghosts. 好きなもの: 自然、人、動物、幽霊と話す。 Friends: Tofu, Choco, Mochi, Kuromai, Miso, Kiichigo, Murasaki Imo 友達: とうふ、チョコ、もち生地、黒米もち、ミソ、キイチゴ、 紫芋  Clash: Atsuage 友達ではない:  厚揚げ Abilities: Can talk to spirits, multilingual 能力: 霊と話すことができる、多言語 Goals: Host a podcast about vegetables and ghosts 目標:  野菜とお化けについてのポッドキャストを主催する





@Meow ♪
lol yeah, I get spooky dreams as well 😏o no way what if they follow me all the way back home, especially the scary ones 😕 it’s better not to mess with them 😋 o interesting, I’ve read manga books like that before, except it’s a guy taking over the  girl’s body, then they fall in love & stuff lol
@Meow ♪Wows, you live a spoopy life! 😅😅 You could be like a solo paranormal investigator with all that going on! And yep something like that! 🤭
@Meow ♪
yeah but I don’t want to be watched going to the bathroom 🤣🤣 luckily the shadow was outside the hallway. ever since that incident, I’m able to see shadow people/spirits, whenever I see them, they always quickly disappear, I only see them if the area is haunted, like old buildings, castles & etc.. I have seen scary ones before, like the ones you mentioned, they stay a little longer then disappear, but they’re usually harmless. haha.. but she such a cute surly potato 😆o is that why Mochi sometimes have dark hair, since Kuromi is a spirit she can take over/possess Mochi’s body 😯🤔
@Meow ♪ Spoookyyy 😨 At least though this seems to be a spirit who is watching over their family 😅 Some of those paranormal footage shows have captures of 'shadow people', those don't seem too friendly! Spoiler alert: Kuromai is a spirit Mochi created somehow. Only Tofu, Mayo, Kurogoma and Sekihan can see her - she thinks everyone else is just ignoring her thats why she is such a surly potato 🤣
@Meow ♪
haha.. so funny 🤣🤣 I’ve actually tried going vegan before, but it didn’t last long,  have you tried going vegan too? 😃 o that’s right Tofu is a spirit right? not just cosplaying? & Sekihan too? ok, don’t read this if it’s your bedtime 😆 I can see them, but I can only see their shadows, the first time I saw one, was at my cousin’s place, it was when I went to use their bathroom, I suddenly saw a strange shadow appear on the wall, but when I looked again, it wasn’t there, so I just thought I was seeing things, & didn’t think anything of it, then a few years later, my cousin told me that our great aunt died in that bathroom, he also told me that he once saw her sitting on his bed, after waking up 😨  that bedroom use to be hers.


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