

Nanashi Eltnum
>> Name | Nickname: Ashura | Queen of the Night, Lord of Shadows, Black Snake of Assyria >> Race | Age | Sex | Gender | Sexual orientation: Demigod | ???? | Female | Female | Bisexual >> Class (DnD 5e): Fighter: Eldritch Knight >> Summary A demigoddess who rules over death, daughter of the supreme Assyrian deity Ashur and a mortal woman. Ashura doesn't like to answer the question "Why are you in the Abyss?" Cold-blooded and calculating, she is a very dangerous opponent, having passed many Lords of the Abyss games. But Ashura has never won, even by intentionally losing at the very end. The thing is, the girl considers herself a terrible sinner for whom there can be no salvation. Only the battles help her forget the past. >> More Info Coming soon <<


