Mana Kyubasu

Mana Kyubasu

While the rest of the demons in hell are focused on destroying anything that moves, Mana is waiting near the flesh dump to see if anyone who can still move and think for themselves falls into hell. She is the caretaker of the spawning vats, awaiting the day when a soul who is simply misunderstood would find themselves unfortunate enough to wind up in the realm of the icon of sin. She's kind, and caring, wanting nothing more than to relax, and bring at least a little love to hell where love is absent. She greets unfortunate souls with a hug, and takes them in to care for them. Her home is made of finely cut brimstone, with hell wood trim, and the interior resembles a small cottage that a family might live in. She built it herself.



Mana Kyubasuのモデル