桜田 史利矢

桜田 史利矢

VRoid Project
Sakurada Fumiriya 2018年12月、男性素体が追加されたVRoid Studio[v0.5.0]リリース時の紹介動画に登場した。茶髪で長身、優しい笑顔が印象的。父親は1世紀以上建造されている建造物の職人で、自身も日本建築の伝統技法を学んでいる帰国子女。 千駄ヶ谷姉妹は従姉妹。母親は彼女たちの叔母にあたる。 In December 2018, Fumiriya was added as a male body to VRoid Studio [v0.5.0] and appeared in the introduction video at the time of its release. His key features are his light brown hair, his height, and his gentle smile. His father is a craftsman working for a construction company with over a century of history. Fumiriya himself is a returnee to Japan, who has been learning about the traditional techniques of Japanese architecture. His cousins are the Sendagaya sisters. His mother is the sisters’ aunt.



桜田 史利矢のモデル