Date of Birth: February 9 生年月日: 2月9日 Age 年齢:15歳 Food: Ozoni, tofu dengaku, 好きな食べ物: お雑煮、豆腐と一緒 Personality: fastidious, organised, shy, quiet, romantic, daydreamer, whimsical, book enthusiast 性格: 詳しい、几帳面な、恥ずかしがり屋で、静かで、ロマンチックで、空想家で、気まぐれで、本が好きで  Hobbies/Interests: Literature, writing, otome games, mmo gaming, collecting BJD, movies and serial shows 趣味/興味: 文学、執筆、乙女ゲーム、MMOゲーム、BJDの収集、映画や連載番組 Likes: Books, escapism, vintage items 好きなもの: 本、現実逃避、ヴィンテージアイテム Friends: Kyara, Tofu, Nasu, Kiichigo, Mayo, Mochi, Murasaki Imo 友達: キャラメル、とうふ、ナス、キイチゴ、マヨネーズ、もち生地、 紫芋 Clash: Nobody? 友達ではない:  敵がいない? Abilities: Can speed read and memorize anything she has read once, Super Recogniser 能力: 彼女が一度読んだものを速読して覚えることができる、スーパーレコグナイザー(「何千もの顔を記憶し、思い出すことができる人、多くの場合、一度しか見たことがない人」)  Goals: To be a Writer 目標: 作家





@Meow ♪
Interesting, I wonder why my ipad crashes a lot then, since it works like a phone app, I think lol I’ve actually never played it on my phone, maybe I should try it.
@Meow ♪ Vroid studio uses a lot of pc/gpu recourses so i think thats why it crashes sometimes - more than phone app which doesn't crash in my experience.
@Meow ♪
yeah, I think it’s to do with certain clothes & items we use on our models 😕 I’ve also noticed that it only happens to some of my models. does it crash less on your computer? or do you only play it on your phone? I’ve played it on my laptop before, only a few times, since it’s not powerful enough, it’s super slow lol 😆 that’s why I always use my ipad
@Meow ♪ I have had those issues - some models are slower than others, i guess because of weight/ bones etc. I always save and close when i make changes I don't want to lose to a model then re-open and continue like that, i always have most issues the longer the app is open with certain models 😓
@Meow ♪
yeah, you need to learn coding, which I have no clue lol lol talking about beta, my vroid studio app feels like that, it crashes a lot, & corrupts my model files, I have to keep making them over & over again, drives me crazy sometimes lol 😃 I’m actually interested in ememe, I hope they make it playable on ipad lol


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