Ex-Bullies are, as the name suggests, former bullies who turned from their bullying lives and becoming friends to society.




Robby is an Ally and member of the Victorian Club. He is known to be energetic, childish, hot-headed, and a heart of gold. He was obsessive with Melyssa, his now ex-girlfriend, who dumped him because she grew tired of him and his lame personality. Thus, he used his units to try and force her way back to the relationship she broke off of until the Victorian Club intervened and defeated Robby. Robby would then find himself saved by the Victorian Club from Melyssa and her friends, which Melyssa made Robby eat a sandwich that had a bit of peanut butter and causing Robby to have an allergic reaction, swelling up like a giant ball boy and his throat closing in, not letting him breathe any oxygen. Robby was then taken to the infirmary and injected some Soporil B into his veins on the fattest part of his ginormous body, allowing him to breathe as his throat began to open up again. He then asks Victoria, while huffing, puffing, and muffling his sentences if he could join the club, which Victoria happily agreed. Though not a playable character, he can be useful when in battle and can be chosen as an Ally unit. Robby acts like a little boy, having a big, cheerful personality and loves to make Pyroflatulence. He also loves to eat loads of food, often having his belly become a round ball spilling from his upper clothing and bursting his belt. Units: Kitsune, Chochin-obake, Gremlin


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