DoB: Last Sat of Sept (this year Sept 27th) 生年月日: 9月最終土曜日 (今年は9月28日) Age 年齢:13歳 Food: Aburaage, yudofu, inari sushi, kitsune udon 好きな食べ物: 油揚げ、湯豆腐、稲荷寿司、キツネうどん Traits: Adventurous, irrepressible, playful, mischievous, affectionate, free-spirit, optimistic 性格: 冒険好きで、抑えきれない、遊び好き、いたずら好き、愛情深く、自由奔放で、楽観的で Hobbies: Games, exploring 趣味/興味: ゲーム、探索 Likes: Fire, chaos, bunnies, granary key, magatama, hoshi no tama 好きなもの: 火、混沌、ウサギ、穀倉の鍵、勾玉 Pals: Mochi, Kuromai, Nasu, Kyara, Miso, Choco, Mayo 友達: もち、黒米、ナス、カラメル、ミソ、チョコ、マヨネーズ Skills: shapeshifting; low level fox can only change hair & height, a running joke amongst her peers 能力: 化ける, 彼女は髪と身長しか変えられません(彼女の友人の間で繰り返される冗談) Future skills: Bakeru and bakasu (shapeshifting & bewitchment) 将来の能力: 化けるとばかす Goals: evolve 2nd tail + wisdom 目標: 第二の尾とより多くの知恵を進化させるために






@Meow ♪
lol he sure does, in fact he should of ended up with the pudding, instead of his love interest, in the story 😂 yeah I just had a look, I did thought it was strange they put the ingredients list at the top, when it’s usually on the bottom or on the side, turns out it was upside down 😋 but it does look better this way, I can imagine it would look weird the other way round.
@Meow ♪ Oh this guy really enjoys his pudding time 🤣 The pudding is upside down, I think that's another reason I didn't pay much attention to the expiry date because it's on the bottom of the pudding and my brain just thought it was a barcode and ingredients or something, If you look at the item from the link it has a really nice lid! 😅. When she wears the pudding the right way up, the wobble looks wrong.
@Meow ♪
haha.. so funny 😂😂 o yeah can that pudding be taken out? just wondering 😋 whenever I see purin I always think of Ian because of that pic, this one too
@Meow ♪ I think I was more focused on an issue I had with the shading and with the label clipping into the pudding than the actual label content. That's hilarious, it could've said anything and I wouldn't have known until after 🤣😅
@Meow ♪
lol seriously? I thought you knew, but it’s kinda odd it has an expiring date, since it’s not real 😆😆 o that’s right, it’s perfect for chibi Sekihan 😯😆 right? if only they had them irl, looking forward to seeing the other set 😋 o yeah my vroid hub won’t load earlier, kept saying “no healthy upstream” never seen that before, so strange, did you ever get that message before?


SwazoYT しました
L Hann しました
Maria Júlia しました
HAKOU! しました
GingerGreenCh しました
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