Amaya Murayama (村山天谷)

Amaya Murayama (村山天谷)

The leader of four member idol group, “Daydream Panic”. Despite looking energetic at first impressions, Amaya is quite shy and reserved. She prefers things to be simple, and less extravagant. She created the idol group due to wanting to expand her social circle, but also to find a goal in which there would be happiness. Amaya is extremely talented at playing the violin, incorporating it into the group’s songs every once in a while. ——— Birthday: March 10th (Pisces) Age: 15 (First-year high school student) Height: 5’4 Likes: Omelettes, her hair color, playing the violin Dislikes: Large crowds, cold water Catchphrase: Is this all just a daydream? ——— Secret: She dislikes lettuce and picks it out of her food.



Amaya Murayama (村山天谷)のモデル